Saturday, January 17, 2015

Success !

This past week I have been diligent and focused on eating properly.

Because for two months I allowed myself to pretty much eat it all. And in doing this I have gained 10 lbs ! Wowzzer! That seriously creeps up on you !

So, it brings me with great excitement when I jumped on the scale and saw that I lost 2.5 lbs !! Not only have I had more energy thru out the day, BUT I feel lighter! Funny how it happens by just being diligent.

If I stay on this track it should take me about 5 weeks to loose the weight I gained. Anything extra would be icing on the cake !

Honestly my mind is always swirling with either what to cook, what to clean, who's happy and who's not. That just looking at my sheet to see what I can and should eat has made my life sooo much easier !!

I don't even count calories! I mean I pick a color from the container and just make sure that I am staying on track with how many colors it says to eat! it's not hard at all.

I did stick to many of the same foods
- salads
- fish
- turkey sandwich
- my meal replacement shake  just to name a few

Here are some pictures so you can see for yourself !

Being silly with my selfie- yes straight up carrots are yummy to crunch on !

Seriously, my eggs always stick !

I cooked some other foods that my kids enjoy such as mac n cheese ( my son said it was THE BEST MAC N CHEESE EVER) I kind of enjoyed hearing him say that.

And for Saturday night I made pizza/ pretzel rolls ; which they also LOVE ! Seriously cooking from home is one of the best things ever!  I did enjoy a pizza roll because well it's homemade and then I ate my portion of fish.

I know that indulging in other foods is fine on an occasional basis, but it's that OVER indulgence that will get to your GUT!

Hope you know "if there is a will there is a way!"

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