Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New Changes

With the weather finally getting colder, and other changes that have recently happened to my schedule. 

My life feels really good right now.

 I feel weird saying it because you know life always changes, but I want to document how good it feels to be happy with your current situation.

In our house we strive to be better people. 

I see my children wanting to do better in school, read more, improve at a music talent, make wiser choices when presented in a sticky situation and because of this it motivates me !! 

I know that they watch us. Just like I watched my parents and emulated them, some good stuff and others not. 

If I hear my kids yelling more, than perhaps I need to lower my voice when asking them to do something for the 5th time... just saying :) 

I am grateful for the opportunity to push myself
- mentally
- physically
- spiritually 

Love life ~~~~>find joy 

and PUSH yourself into uncomfortable situations!!

When you do this life becomes more satisfying!

What to eat !!

I think one of the toughest problems people have is they don't know what to eat !!

And I just want you to know that you are NOT alone!!

I was the same way, and Im still learning a lot about properly fueling my body. But, what I have learned is that protein is KEY !!  But, really eating carbs, fruits and veggies is what will help you stay full !

I know this because when I am actually doing this I feel more energized and have clarity!

Here is a sample menu-

Before my workout I like to have something light
so either fruit or a carb example would be 1/2 banana or a piece of toast

After my workout I like to eat protein - so it would either be eggs or my shake
and depending if I ate my fruit or carb I would then consume it.

For a snack I like to have another protein - so it would either be my shake or tuna.
Make sure to drink LOTS of water !!

Lunch I would have my veggies in a nice LARGE salad with protein of course !

My snack would be fruit with veggies and a healthy fat such as hummus or avocado.

Lets get some more water in !!

Dinner I would finish it off with protein, veggies and a grain.

Having this variety thru the day ensures that I am staying full and not getting those sluggish feelings.


Sorry about the caps, but I feel that strongly about it  !

Know that you can make healthy choices, but it will take practice and a DESIRE !