Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Update on my progress - April 2015

The other day when I picked my son up from preschool, I spoke with his preschool teacher about it being the last day of school. She confirmed to me that May is their last month of going to school.

When she said that to me I thought WOW! I can't believe that the year is just zipping by us! It seems like it was just January and I was setting my goals for the year.

What this said to me is that TIME is going to pass weather you are ready or not. So, soak up everyday! Make the most of your time! We all have the same 24 hours, what are you doing everyday  to be productive and reaching your goals ??

One of my goals for the year was to be in better shape. I have problem areas that I needed to tackle a little bit more. Such as my thighs and muffin top. It's amazing to me how quickly these areas can get out of control if you allow them to.

And that is what I did during the holidays. Slacked on my workouts and my eating !!

I want to stress though that I am happy with all that my body can do. I am grateful that I have a healthy body. I am grateful that God has blessed me with the ability to use my body to work, walk, run and be a productive human being.

That being the case, I feel more comfortable and confident when I am taking care of myself.

Right now I am working out 6xs a week. Running 3xs and trying (ha) to watch what I eat.

It's not always easy, sure there are days when I WOULD like to just flop myself on the catch and see what's on the TV. But, I prefer to keep moving and to be active.

The way I see it, everyday is a new day to try.

Prepare your day.
Prepare your mind and you can overcome those difficult moments.

Hope you are reaching your goals everyday and even if it feels like you are slipping- Keep going!!

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