Friday, April 18, 2014

How Dieting and Budgeting are a lot alike

I was recently talking to a friend who was asking me for advice on how to lose some weight. She was frustrated with the results that she was getting.

I proceeded to ask her some questions. What do you eat? What are your workouts like?

As she explained to me what she did for workouts and what she ate, I then gave her an assignment.

I said I want you to track exactly what you ate for one day. And then report back to me.

She and I have similar goals. We both want to pay off debt and we both enjoy using the envelope system.

And, so then I went on to tell her dieting is like budgeting: Well how so?

If someone asked me for advice on how to pay off debt, I would ask them to start tracking where they are spending their money.

This is the only way one will know where there money is going.

Same way for losing weight - if you don't know where your calories are going then you will not get far.

So- where should you start from here ?

Take that pen and paper and start writing down where those calories or dollars are being spent- you may be surprised how much is being wasted.

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