It just seems like my mind is always busy trying to tackle household chores, church callings, and most importantly my family. I do everything for and in behalf of my family. And now that kids are out of school it seems like my life was turned upside down and shaken several times.
I realized that there are too many distraction in life that pull me away from the things that matter the most. I had an ahh haaa moment the other day that has made me realize I need to focus... LASER focused on the things that matter most.
What Im still learning :
As a mom it seems like we need to wear several hats - from cooking, to time management, to organization, and YES even conflict resolve management. It's just crazy to me when I think about all the different things moms occupy our minds with.So here's my golden nugget - Every single day is an opportunity to TRY ! Yes, if yesterday you burnt dinner and the whole house smells like black tortillas then guess what ?? Tomorrow you can try again. ( uhh perhaps I speak from personal experience :)
Or if you yelled at your children and went over board on the words that you used and then you felt awful. Then guess what you apologize and vow to do better when that child is acting out.
I don't believe that just because we have 1 bad day or moment that it will define us.
I remember talking to a friend about this very thing. I said you know what I had a not so good mommy moment the other day. It lasted 5 - 10 minutes. But, just because I was quick to react doesn't mean I can't make up for it.
My kids have many many years ahead of them to build, grow and gain many more memories. So, get up and dust off the frustration and move forward with your day.
That's to me what life is about- pushing Forward and realizing that life will have it's ups and Downs.
Well, I will stop rambling now...
I hope you know you are AWESOME !